The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has planned to increase its fee structure has a result decreasing higher work load as well as enforcing the collecting of consumption tax that was implemented last year.
The UKGC has planned to increase its fee structure with immediate effect after discussion at the open meeting that will take place and the UKGC will accept suggestions up until the 27th of October, 2015. According to the statement issued by the UK Gaming Commission, it says that the regulator’s fee structure is to be reviewed and they want the fee structure to be fully integrated. Hence, they have opened this issue for discussion and opening meetings are currently taking place.
Furthermore, the statement read,
We will by all means try to provide greater transparency about the way in which the Commission fees is structured and we set to determine the fees needed for stakeholders, full cost recovery and we will accept any proposals or suggestions for improvements at this stage.
Given that the new fee structure is implemented, this will see all new applications paying new fees whilst the existing UKGC license holders will be given a period to adjust to the new fee structure.